Page 43 - BackSIDE rollbrett-heft 25th Anniversary
P. 43

21:41                                             21:42

 JonnyGiger  JonnyGiger

 Hahaha shots fired. Yes we actually get a very fair share of the board sells. I’ve heard  Is there anything you would do differently if you had the choice to do it all over
 of some very decent pros that don’t get anything at all.  again?
               Hahah wasn’t that the quote of an old TV commercial? „Ja ich würde meine Brillen
 I no�ced that one of your board is already a re-issue. What are the key criteria to  von Anfang an bei Fielmann kaufen.“ Jokes aside. No I would wish everything to

 have a re-issue board put on the market?  happen the same. I regret some things but they ul�mately made me a be�er person.
 Yes we reissued the Cerberus deck. Revive usually asks their audience what graphics
 they want back. It makes sense to ask the consumer I guess.  There is so much nega�vity around COVID for all the right reasons but is there a
               silver lining for you?

 In an interview with in 2018 you talked quite openly about your income  Good Ques�on. I tried to make the best out of it and read like around 15’000 pages in
 which is quite refreshing as Swiss are not known to disclose anything related to  the year 2020. I’ve done a lot of medita�on, music and got closer to the people that
 finance as we all know. You men�oned four income streams: Revive, Youtube,  stand already really close to me. I try to focus on on the posi�ve aspects. Aside from

 Instagram Influencer ‘Patreon’. Has anything changed since then?  that it could be much worse I mean like the Pest lasted for around 300 years.
 I barley take any Influencer jobs these days. In fact I’ve never done a lot of that. It’s
 hard to find an authen�c campaign because I don’t just apply to every offer I get. I s�ll  What does your future look like? Is there anything you want to do next apart from
 make a decent living but I don’t spend too much money on stuff. I reinvest a lot to  doing your masters in Japanese literature ;-)

 improve the quality of my videos and I finally own a decent piano now. yay.  I don’t know. I might not start studying japanese literature but I’ve been playing with
               the thought to learn japanese for a while now. I like the place that I’m in right now
 How does it work with being an influencer on Instagram exactly? Is it as straight  and I think I’ll just do my best to keep it up.
 forwards as companies sending you free stuff which you talk about and they will

 pay you for it?  If you can choose one person to interview who will it be and what would you ask?
 There are Influencer companies for every country. The big brands contact them and  Rodney Mullen. I’d have too many ques�ons to count.
 the Influencer company starts looking for people with Followers. They get the big
 piece of the cake which seems kinda unfair. However If you’re approved for a

 campaign they send you that stuff and yes the pay you. It’s been interes�ng to see
 how it works but a lot of influencers seem unauthen�c to me. I don’t promote a
 product I don’t like, but a lot of influencer actually do.

 Also in that interview you men�oned you have not bought clothes since 2015. Do
 you have a shoe sponsor?
 I started to get shoes from Etnies in 2015.

 Coming back to H.R. Giger he once said that to be successful in Switzerland you first
 have to succeed interna�onally. Which basically means Switzerland will only  ‘I landed some good tricks and I think it was a good
 acknowledge your achievement if someone else does first. Do you agree?
          game. Looking back I’m also glad that I lost. I think it’s
 Hmmm i don’t know… Hans was an ar�st and it might be hard to make money
 especially with his dark kind of art in Switzerland. The quote works on my case too  crucial for a healthy personality development to be good
 but I actually have more than one friend that makes a decent amount of money  at loosing too. A big loss like that was hard to take at
 playing concerts in Switzerland. Depends how you define success and how much  first but I learned so much from it.’

 money you need to survive.

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